Our Difference

We work to help communities create thriving schools to educate Haiti’s Children.

Thriving Community School Systems to Educate Haiti’s Children

Haiti lacks a functioning public school system. Almost 90 percent of schools are private. Rural communities cannot fund their schools, since most families live on less than $2 a day. With no coordinated school system and little financial support, these schools struggle to provide a quality education.

Our Difference:

We partner with leaders in rural communities to transform education in Haiti. We bring school leaders together to create community-wide academic programs. We provide support to participating students, teachers and schools. We are community-based and volunteer-driven, so costs are low.

Our impact

14 Community library with 3000 books in Haitian Kreyol, French and English

14 Computer lab with 10 computers and internet access opens the world for 40,000 people

14 Interscholastic academic competitions among 22 schools and 4000 students improves exam scores up to 40%

14 Summer enrichment camp teaches English and technology skills, with 54 hours of instruction for 120 children each summer, led by 25 volunteers

14 1200 student sponsorships since 2010 for neediest students at area schools

14 School support for 22 schools provides infrastructure repairs and classroom materials, plus 3000 hours of teacher training

Community-Based Approach

Our work begins with the community. Our Advisory Board in Haiti is made up of community leaders and educators who help us develop appropriate and effective education initiatives. Principals’ groups work to design and implement programs for all of their schools. In turn, the Alliance supplies volunteers from the United States to partner with local principals, teachers and parents to facilitate these programs.

We also create partnerships between communities within Haiti to allow them to share local solutions in education, health and community development. In 2015, the community of La Vallée de Jacmel began a partnership with the community of Fond des Blancs to explore collaboration on these local problems. This partnership has been made possible by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trustee Donor-Advised Fund through the Battle Creek Community Foundation. The Alliance is working with the Association for the Development of Fond des Blancs to improve education, health and economic opportunities in both communities.

Make a difference for Haiti's children

About Us

Alliance for Haiti's Children partners with rural communities to create networks of quality schools to transform Haiti.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 75 Vienna, VA, 22183


We are a 501(c)(3) certified organization.

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