Meet some of Haiti’s children.
Haiti’s children live every day with the consequences of the complicated economic, political and geographic history that is Haiti. Yet their wants and needs are the same as children everywhere.

The boy on the wall
In 2009, friends from the United States traveled to Haiti as the first effort of what would become the Alliance for Haiti’s children. They noticed a little boy, sitting on a wall. Why, they wondered, was he sitting there and not in school? They talked with the child and discovered that he, like many children in Haiti, was not in school because it costs $150 a year to send a child to school, and his parents did not have the money. He was sitting on the wall outside a school, hoping to listen to the lessons.
Daymendy became our first sponsored student, and he is now thriving in the 6th grade.
Tsuriel is a young artist with no formal training. Since he was a very little boy he would draw or paint on any scrap of paper he could get his hands on. He crafts frames out of cardboard and uses sticks to make an easel. Tsuriel is a sponsored student and comes to our summer camp, and his talent came to our attention at our first camp. Since then, Alliance volunteers have carried paints and canvases to Haiti for Tsuriel. Tsuriel painted the image on this page to thank Alliance supporters for helping him. He hopes to become an artist or doctor when he grows up.

The girl who lives in the market
In the months and years following the catastrophic earthquake that devastated Haiti in 2010, many children were orphaned, and many families in La Vallee took them in. One woman, known to all as Grandma, works at the outdoor community market, where farmers and vendors come every Friday to sell their wares. Her home is a rough shed at the market. Yet she has nurtured 65 children and supported their education for many years. One of our favorite little girls currently lives with Grandma in the market. She is in school now, with the help of an Alliance donor, and Grandma plans to make sure she graduates.
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